Wednesday, 28 December 2016

Attitudes towards pregnancy termination in historical times (Part I)

Abortion is a subject discussed and performed since the ancient times. The difference is that whereas women now have the choice to go through it with Mifepristone and Misoprostol tablets or surgery; people in ancient times used abortifacient herbs and other dangerous methods. Just as the topic is discussed contentiously in today’s political and social climate, it was also discussed by then scholars from all over the world.
Here are some of the outlooks on abortion by various societies and cultures throughout history
Ancient Rome and Greece
The Greeks and Romans were not much interested or concerned with the right to existence of the unborn fetus. The only time the termination was opposed was when and if the father wanted the child and felt entitled to have one.
The early Greek and Roman philosophers argued that the fetus was not fully formed and begun to live until after 40 days after conception for a male and 80 days for a female.
In his book Politics, Aristotle states that if the couple has children in excess, then they should consider abortion before “sense and life” has begun. According to him, the legality of the process depends upon the matter of ‘life and sensation’.
Aristotle believed that the female embryos took longer time to develop than the male ones; however they made up for the delay by developing fast after birth. Theorists believed that he came to the idea after examining the differences in development between male and female miscarried fetuses.
Biblical times
The Old Testament contains several passages referring to pregnancy termination; however the reference is depicted in manner in terms of loss of property rather than the ethics of abortion. 
The status of a fetus in the Bible is merely shown in terms of property by the laws of that time. Therefore if anyone causes a miscarriage, a fine must be paid to the husband of the woman. If the attempt of abortion killed the woman, the perpetrator is liable to punished to death.
The New Testament doesn’t explicitly mention abortion.
Western History of pregnancy termination
Throughout much of the western history, aborting was not considered a criminal offence if it was carried out before “quickening”. This refers the time before the fetus moves in the womb, i.e. up to 18 to 20 weeks of gestation. Until that time period, the fetus was considered to be a part of the mother and thus its removal posed no ethical problem than any other types of surgical procedure.
Attitude towards pregnancy termination became a lot liberal after the beginning of the 20th century. By the 70’s the abortion had been legalized in most of the European countries. After the invention of abortion pills in France in 1988, many women now choose to abort by Mifepristone and Cytolog pills. Initially permitted only within 40 days, the new FDA rule in 2016 stated that medical pregnancy termination is now viable till 70 days, i.e. 10 weeks.
However women had to struggle a lot before the reality of legality and easy access was available. In the next blog, we will discuss how laws and perception over pregnancy termination changed over time in England and America.

Wednesday, 21 December 2016

Tuesday, 27 September 2016

Health Tips on Abortion Pill and After-care

When you choose to end pregnancy with tablets, it is important to keep safety measures in mind, and plan accordingly, knowing how to maintain health after the procedure. You can get abortion pill online to utilize the drugs on prescription in two-step method indicated. Do not take any interacting medications during the whole regimen. When pregnancy terminated, you must visit a care center for ultrasound of uterus to understand outcome of the medical procedure, which would normally show emptied uterus as medicines work 98 percent of times.

When Does Medical Abortion End?
In 2 to 5 percent of cases, the medications may not work. It is therefore vital to get an ultrasonographic pregnancy test done, as continued pregnancy in such a scenario is harmful mostly. After use of Mifepristone and Misoprostol medications, make an appointment for the examination later to two weeks of the procedure. Note all the experiences or problems noticed throughout and report to the physician as needed. The doctor may perform pelvic examination as well, and convey if the uterus has been emptied or not.

Do not take up a pregnancy termination method that has not been approved by the FDA or recognized. These techniques may be dangerous to health and cause problems to the overall wellbeing in long-run. As far as current day, only medical pregnancy ending with approved drugs and surgical process at certified clinics are the only safe way to free from unwanted pregnancy. To buy abortion pills online from recognized sources, you will need a prescription.

Most of the pregnancy examinations reveal removal of conception and its location. It is best to be well prepared before you buy abortion pill, and set an appointment with nearest healthcare center for the after-care health check up rather than delaying it. Do not use a pregnancy kit that analyses hormones or blood for noting embryo presence, as after ending pregnancy, these kinds of tests may show inaccurate rests for at least 4 to 6 weeks.

How to Handle an Incomplete Abortion?
If pregnancy sections are still lodged in uterus, then the medicines may or may not work again on second dosing. Do not buy abortion pills online once again for an incomplete pregnancy termination if not recommended by a doctor. Mostly, you will be recommended a surgical procedure to remove the remnants. Here, the doctor will insert a tube like instrument first to dilate the cervix and then instruments to collect the conception parts into a jar.

The gathering gear with the contents is then cleared out. It takes 15 to 20 minutes for the surgical regimen to conclude, after which you can return home. The doctor may ask you to stay overnight if a clinical observation is required for health. Sometimes the cause of medicine failure is not because problem with the drugs, but improper consumption of the same or health issue in the person, avoidance of stated precautions or other reasons.

As an aftercare, avoid intercourse via vagina for two to three weeks. Start using appropriate birth control for managing pregnancy, and stay off exercising for few weeks. You may experience light bleeding for few weeks until start of new menstrual cycle.

Thursday, 8 September 2016

MTP Kit Information for Women Needing Abortion

The abortion pill is a drug that ends pregnancy. There are several types of medications under different brand names for pregnancy termination with prime contents Mifepristone and Misoprostol. Both the drugs are needed to completely cease an unwanted pregnancy, and can be found in MTP Kit online pack. The medication kit had a unit of 200mg Mifepristone (progesterone blocker) and 5 tablets Misoprostol (prostaglandin analogue).

The tablets work in blocking hormone progesterone. Without the hormone, the lining of the uterus breaks down, disallowing pregnancy development. The medicine is followed by prostaglandin that makes womb contract, leading to bleeding and cramping similar as like an early miscarriage. Women can choose MTP Kit buy online only if they are not ectopic pregnant, non allergic to the medications, and within 10 weeks of gestation.

Who Can Abort an Early Pregnancy With Pills?
Taking the tablets before 4 weeks of gestation is not suggested, nor when a pregnancy is over 12 weeks from the first trimester. If the female is Rhesus-negative blood type, then she needs to get anti-D injection before consuming the tablets. Most women are able to go to work or resume schedule after pregnancy termination. One can obtain cheap MTP Kit for medical pregnancy termination, and benefit from complete process at home

What are the Symptoms?
During the regimen, the person will receive periods like pain because of uterine contractions, and heavy bleeding than the menstrual days. Women can order MTP Kit at home, and easily use the medications as per guidelines, even without anyone’s presence or assistance. It is unlikely that pregnancy will end with only taking the first tablet. This may occasionally happen.

Where to Make the Purchase?
Women can attain abortion pills from many sources, be it a nearby clinic, NGO, health institution or also choose to buy MTP Kit online, where the discounts and offers are better. The person must know the legal barriers to pregnancy termination in their region. If it is unrestricted, then females will have easier and wider options for taking the medicines, or may have to order the medications from the internet.

What is the Cost?
The procedure cost will depend from region to region, and the kind of healthcare system. However, cheap MTP Kit is possible from the shelves of web-based medical stores, if not from a funded clinic. Private hospitals may add other charges to the medication procedure, than only the medicine cost. In case an individual thinks she has miscarried, then she can request for an ultrasound scan in her clinical visit. 

What are the Precautions?
There could be symptoms of vomiting and nausea. If the female vomits out the medicines within one or half hour from ingesting it, then she must seek medical assistance, as the tablets may not have been absorbed by the body, and repeating the dosage may be essential. But, the practice must be done only if a doctor permits. The person may have to order MTP Kit medicines then from nearest location to re-start the process.
The above-mentioned information will certainly help the ones who want to understand the pregnancy termination process and its intricacies. If women wish to opt for MTP Kit buy online they can do so, but they must check for pregnancy age and intrauterine gestation before proceeding.

Friday, 12 August 2016

Abortion Pills- Important Tips to Health Safety

When a person decides to terminate pregnancy or going to do as such, it is important to screen one’s wellbeing at all times. As like any medicinal system, there are some safety measures to be taken before and during the procedure. Particularly before using abortion pill, the female must assure that she is under 10 weeks of conception, not ectopic pregnant, and is not affected heart/liver/kidney/adrenal organ issue, diabetes, high blood pressure, cancer and other conditions. It is advisable to get a health check up check up done to know if the tablets are suitable to end pregnancy or not.
As a note, don't attempt any un-recommended solutions or medicines for pregnancy end, as these could be dangerous. The medicinal regimen is one of the easiest, most secure, and advantageous techniques to pregnancy termination, which millions of female get done annually. The pregnancy expelled contains conception tissues, fetus, and placenta components with bleeding. The medicines work to detach fetus in womb, and remove the contents with prostaglandins in few hours or days.

Things to Do Before Pregnancy Termination

As medicinal technique is frequently picked at early pregnancy, it is useful for females to choose a medication than surgical method for ending pregnancy inside homes. Medicines work fast, and require no extra anesthesia or surgical supplies. Then again, there are sure things one must do to make the regimen as simple as possible. Here is the list of requirement before ending pregnancy.
• Hot water bottle, prescribed painkillers, thick sanitary pads.
• Emergency helpline contact to nearby pregnancy care center.
• Arranging travel to doctor's facility in the event of complications.
• Keeping someone trusted informed for care or help. 
• Clean towels, garments, and bedding.
The mentioned measures, not all might be required, but rather keeping one careful and equipped with these would be securing health against complications. Medicines are 98 percent successful, and one can easily buy abortion pills for an early pregnancy termination, which takes 10 to 14 days for the procedure, while some are done within a week’s times.

How to End First-Semester Pregnancy?

In the initial step-Mifepristone prescription (a 200mg tablet), prohibits progesterone hormone and disconnects conception parts from one’s uterus, while as yet making pregnancy stay in womb. On consumption of Misoprostol 800mcg by mouth or vagina, the person will encounter slight to solid uterine spasms or compressions, which allow pregnancy segments out of vagina. At the point when the procedure is on, the individual will get substantial abdomen cramps, maybe little migraine, dizziness, heavy bleeding, tiredness etc.
Experiencing few of these side effects is ordinary for each user. In the meantime, the person should keep watch on fever and heavy bleeding. The fever may be going over a day (high fever), or the bleeding is such that is drenches more than two long and thick menstrual pads. It then the female will may need to counsel a specialist for treatment. Drugs may sometimes fail and can be diagnosed by uterine ultrasound to check pregnancy parts presence. In case the medicines are unsuccessful, the person will go through surgical termination to clean the remnants out of the uterus.